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Summer school 2019

Advanced training course: Cell expansion and protein expression in standard and single-use bioreactors.

The course provides students from the ZHAW, students from partner schools in Switzerland as well as students from abroad the opportunity of an intercultural exchange and knowledge transfer in a unique atmosphere.

Course certificate, 3 ECTS, marks are awarded for final exam, written experimental and case study report, and oral presentation.

⇒ Course description and registration


Start date: 20 August 2019
End date: 6 September 2019


ZHAW, Campus Grüental, GA building, campus main building, Wädenswil
Grüentalstrasse 14
8820 Wädenswil


ZHAW Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Grüentalstrasse 14
8820 Wädenswil